Special page KiO

2025: Pictures for KiO

In 2025, Heiner Lammers would like to support the important aid work of Kinderhilfe Organtransplantation e.V. (KiO) with his artistic work. KiO helps children with organ disease and their families before and after a transplant in social emergencies and was founded by Hans Wilhelm Gäb, who, like Heiner Lammers, was a member of the national table tennis team.

Heiner Lammers provides pictures for charity events for benefit of KiO. Please contact us to clarify the details.

In advance: 100 percent of the proceeds must be donated to KiO.


If you would like to help children with organ transplants, you can alsommake a bank transfer of your choice to the KiO donation account:

Kinderhilfe Organtransplantation e.V. (KiO)

Bank for Social Economy

IBAN DE 64 5502 0500 0008 6200 00


Thank you very much!